
Created by Commander Roscoe Mayhew on Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ 2:36am



Arcanis Colony is destroyed, beginning the first full scale Conflict Between the Federation and Klingon Empire - Open war continues until 2245


Klingons and the Federation sign “Peace Treaty” that would tentatively last for 3 years - sporadic conflict continue and escalate


Captain Kirk assumes Command of the USS Enterprise

The Borg Destroy the El-Aurian System


The UFP makes first contact with the First Federation A Romulan Warbird crosses the Neutral Zone destroying several Outposts along the border


Organian Peace Treaty is enacted - Federation-Klingon Cold War begins

Klingon and Federation skirmishes escalate into full scale conflict.

Nimbus III is jointly established as the Planet of Galactic Peace by the Romulan Star Empire, the United Federation of Planets, and the Klingon Empire.

Cestus III colony is attacked by the Gorn

USS Constellation is destroyed by the Alien Planet Killer

USS Exeter is discovered with all hands aboard lost


Talks between the Gorn Hegemony and the Federation begin for the resettlement of Cestus III

The United Federation of Planets hosts the Babel Conference, which eventually results in Coridan's admission to the Federation.

A brief alliance between the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire occurs. This results in an exchange of technology and spacecraft design, most notably the cloaking device to the Klingons.

Ceti Alpha VI explodes and turns the former M class planet Ceti Alpha V into a barren wasteland.

USS Intrepid destroyed by the space-amoeba

USS Defiant lost with all hands

Starbase 47 Destroyed by the Tholians


USS Hood is lost with all hands

USS Yorktown & Republic severely damaged, planned refits are implemented much sooner than intended. Starfleet is down to only 5 active Constitution Class Starships USS Enterprise ends her Five Year Deep Space Mission, returns to Earth for refit.

Captain Kirk is promoted to Rear Admiral and head of Starfleet Operations

Miranda, Saladin and Phobos class starships enter service


The Klingon/Romulan Alliance comes to an end following the Battle of Klach D'Kel Brakt. Evaluations are held that determined that the aging Constitution class Starships were nearing the end of the Frontline Service life as the premier Heavy Cruiser of the fleet. Orders are sent to Engineering and Design teams throughout the Federation to design its successor


Starfleet Orders no new hulls for the Constitution Class be laid down.


V’Ger probe crosses into Federation space

USS Enterprise is launched ahead of schedule

V'Ger destroys the Epsilon IX station and incapacitates Earth's defense network Tensions between the Federation and Klingon Empire come to a head and conflict resumes. When it is discovered the Organians no longer concern themselves with enforcing the Treaty, full scale war seems inevitable.

Diplomacy wins out for the next year and a half but small scale skirmishes do erupt First designs are submitted for replacing the Constitution Class. One design dubbed Excelsior is selected to continue.

Several other designed from this project would go on to be one a part of the fleet in the next decade; such as:






Hull for the USS Excelsior laid down


During the Battle of Starbase 12 USS Bozeman disappears in the Typhon Expanse, USS Lysander & USS Yorktown search for a week but find no trace of the vessel. The new transwarp drive proposal is approved by Starfleet


USS Excelsior finishes construction

Questions remain whether the rest of the program would be shelved.


Genesis Incident Occurs

USS Enterprise is destroyed over the Genesis Planet

Excelsior Fails Transwarp Trials

Whole project is nearly canceled, transwarp cores are removed from all Excelsior Class ships and replaced with a standard warp core.


The Cetacean Probe visits Earth

USS Enterprise - A is Launched

USS Amaterasu is Launched


USS Amaterasu has limped to K17 to begin repairs after striking a Klingon Gravitic Mine Velesaria Azume takes command of the vessel.

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