Welcome to the USS Amaterasu!

The year is 2287 the Galaxy Stands on a precipice of either a new age of exploration or spiraling into war. Tensions between the Klingon Empire and the Federation are at the highest they’ve been since open war 30 years earlier. As divided as the galaxy is, a larger division exists at the highest levels of Starfleet. Those who are ready for War with the Klingons and those that are ready for peace.

RPG Rating 3 2 2

Latest Mission Posts

» Bad Moon Rising

Mission: Mission 2: Bad Moon Rising
Posted on Thu Jul 25th, 2024 @ 7:43am by Rear-Admiral Miraya Chakrabarti

Miraya Chakrabarti stared out the view port of the USS Kelcie Mae, a high warp courier ship taking her and replacements from Earth to Deep Space Station K-17 Earth's expansive blue skies shifting to orange and light yellow of the sun's rays before giving way to the still blackness of…

» Don't Rock the Boat. Pt2

Mission: Mission 1: A Million Miles Away
Posted on Wed Jul 24th, 2024 @ 8:07pm by Captain Velasaria Azumé & Ensign Natsumi Nogura & Commander Roscoe Mayhew & Lieutenant Commander Clare MacArthur & Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Ingram Dr & Lieutenant Jennifer Matthews


"Comm... Captain." Nogura said from her post. "I'm getting some... weird readings. Something toward the border, it's in the path of our drift." Amaterasu had been slowly drifting toward the border since she was hit, so far all attempts to regain control had failed.

"That would be them," Mayhew…

» Don't Rock 'My' Boat

Mission: What Is Past Is Prolouge
Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 7:58am by Rear-Admiral Miraya Chakrabarti & Captain Velasaria Azumé & Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Ingram Dr

Meticulous research, and attention to detail.

They would be the phrases Benjmain Ingram would choose to describe his work ethic. Others might choose more florid statements, which was fine because they would be wrong. After all, marching into Starfleet headquarters and demanding to speak to someone in charge would get…

» Kahless Guide Me

Mission: Mission 1: A Million Miles Away
Posted on Sat Apr 27th, 2024 @ 8:53am by Captain Velasaria Azumé & Ler'at

While the Amaterasu hung in space, drifting along the border, the large wound in her hull spewing plasma fire... Captain Ler'at of the Klingon Defense Force sat and watched. Leaning forward in his chair, fingers poised under his chin, pointed toward one another as he thought, one could have mistaken…

» Don't Rock the Boat. Pt1

Mission: Mission 1: A Million Miles Away
Posted on Sat Apr 27th, 2024 @ 8:52am by Captain Velasaria Azumé & Ensign Natsumi Nogura & Petty Officer, 1st Class Keala Kekoa

The ship groaned unnaturally as the crew scrambled to their feet, the formerly well lit bridge was now shrouded in ominous emergency red. Those few consoles with functional displays flashed warnings, their blue green interfaces flickering with the fluctuating power. Even with that lighting it was hard to see more…

Latest Personal Logs

» Last Call

Posted on Fri Mar 8th, 2024 @ 12:44am by Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Ingram Dr

The Exeter Hotel, Chicago, Earth, Sol System...sometime soon

“Of course transwarp theory was never taken seriously, it wasn’t a Vulcan who invented the premise.”

That took some air from the room, and Benjamin Ingram allowed himself a satisfied smile. These conferences were so often seen as holy ground among the…