Mission 1: A Million Miles Away

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Alert Condition Red, Alert Condition Red…
Main Power: Offline
Shields: Offline
Hull Breaches Deck 20 through 34. Sections 10 through 22.

This is a general distress call, USS Amaterasu has struck a gravitic mine… the Captain is dead… the crew… we require assistance…

An explosion has crippled the Amaterasu killing the Captain, injuring the first officer and wounding many on the senior staff. Venting atmosphere, power down, she is adrift near the Klingon DMZ. With little time left before they cross into disputed space or strike another mine the crew fights to regain control of what’s left of their ship.

Start Date Wed Jan 24th, 2024 @ 8:08pm
End Date Wed Jul 24th, 2024 @ 8:08pm

Mission Summary

The Amaterasu ahs struck a ancient gravitic mine thought to be left behind by the Klingons. The Captain, Chief Engineer and many of the crew were killed.